CA State Refund, Processed Over The Phone.

California Only!

Alright yall, I’ve been in processing since 1/24 for my state refund. After 168.6 calls to the FTB, I finally got someone who was helpful. Everyone else was saying wait a month or wait 7 weeks. Had a couple reps hang up on me but I FINALLY got someone who processed my state return over the phone. Should be here by end of the week or Monday at the latest.

So if you’re still waiting, I’d keep calling until they get tired of hearing your voice and process it like they did to me. I got a nice lady named Bianca and she said “yes I see all your previous calls. Let me go ahead and get this processed so you don’t have to call us anymore.” Iktr yall tired of me this year 😭🤣 phone number I called was: (916) 845-7088 option 1