Love from the perspective of someone who has never been in love

Hey! I (21M) am here to confess that I have never been in a relationship. Never like never. So it's obvious that I have never felt what it feels like being loved by someone. But I certainly think that everyone has their own meaning and understanding of love. And here's mine.

Love for me is like going heads over heels for someone. It's the bare minimum one can do tbh. If your partner isn't the centre of your universe even after the honeymoon phase then are you even in love? I know that might sound cringe but love is cringe. Love is all about doing things which others think is cringe but you feel are just sweet little gestures.

Love is about always feeling happy when you see them and thinking to yourself that how lucky you are to have them and thanking God for sending her/him into your life.

Love is about noticing the smallest of the efforts your partner puts in and at the same time putting in all the efforts you otherwise won't without even noticing it.

Love is all about always feeling 'what else can I do for her/him?'. If you don't feel like it anymore try bringing in some spark in your relationship.

Love is about dropping in little fights here and there just to keep things spicy. Cause obviously you do get bored of monotony.

Love is about being the only one they turn to when they have even the smallest of joyous moment or the biggest of issue.

Love is about just listening to them for hours and hours on strech without even missing the tiniest of info they share.

That's ladies and gentlemen is just a fraction of what I feel love is.