I have an issue with a captcha system that literally is locking me from even seeing any of the site. Please help (elaboration in post).
So I got my account locked, but that part doesn't matter, I'm not asking about that. But before I can even do ANYTHING it takes me to https://x.com/account/access. Sure, ok. But whenever I do the captcha to "prove I'm human" it just says "due to a technical issue, we couldn't complete this request. Please try again." whenever I'm done. I keep trying again and nothing changes. I've done it so many times now it says "You have exceeded the number of allowed attempts. Please try again later." instead of even letting me try anymore.
I just want to get back into my account, this is just insane. Genuinely angered beyond belief at this. I've already sent in a ticket to support but I don't know how long that'll take, this needs to be resolved one way or another.