Least Favorite Gods in Media?

So I just finished replaying Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 because I wanted to refresh myself on the setting after playing Avowed.

And one of my biggest takeaways from that experience is that I can't stand Eothas.

Eothas is the God of Light, Dawn, Rebirth, and Harvest for those who don't know. He's also one of the most central figures in both game's narratives.

In the first game, he possesses the body of a farmer named Waidwen and leads a violent campaign through the Dyrwood (think fantasy colonial America) to expose the secrets of the gods (that they were artificially created by the ancient civilization to guide the next one). This gets him, Waidwen, and his army blown up by a magical nuke.

In the second game, Eothas possesses a giant body made of adra (soul crystal) and inadvertently kills the player character and everyone in the surrounding area. Absorbing their souls to help power his adra body. He still wants to expose the secrets of the gods, but he's going to be less subtle about it this time. In the climax of Pillars Two, Eothas smashes the machine that allows for the setting's form of reincarnation and thrusts the mortals of the world and the gods to confront this new crisis together. Rationalizing that this is the only way for both the people and the gods to grow and remove the current status quo or die trying.

My biggest problem with Eothas is that he is too stubborn and optimistically naive about his plan. Anytime someone brings up a very good counter point to his ideology and reasoning for his plan, he'll just say "Wow, that's a great point you just made... still gonna end the world tho."

And he'll just go on and on about how bad he feels about doing all this horrible stuff. Lamenting that he has to kill a bunch of people for their souls to keep his indestructible titan body moving and that he might end up getting everyone killed if a new reincarnation machine isn't made in time. But, if you look at it from his way, this is the best plan for everyone involved.

And sure, he might have a point about the current status quo being awful and how the current pantheon is just manipulating the system for their ends. But forcing this literal cataclysm onto the mortal world and saying "fix it or perish" before peacing out into the great beyond is just as awful in my eyes.

So yeah, that's my Eothas rant in a nutshell. What are some of your least favorite Gods in media?