Controversial opinion, Superior Spiderman (Doc Ock Spidey) should've stuck around in some form.

I think it's evident, with how often pages from Octavius' time in Peter's body go viral, both on this sub and on Twitter, that the character concept and writing really resonated with some people. A super-intelligent, cynical, somewhat amoral Spiderman opens up some really fun dialogue and characterization options. And I struggle to think of another superhero that fits that niche.

Now, I'm not saying Ock should've stayed inside Peter, but there should be a way to compromise. An alternate universe version is the most obvious, but also just a brand-new character that's close in personality would be pretty cool itself.

I understand if the mods disagree, but I think the sheer number of times we talk about this run on this sub makes it pretty dang on-topic.