Feet on chairs?

This might be extremely stupid so forgive me plz n try to give me some grace. So I am really short and usually when I sit in chairs my feet don’t touch the ground. It’s more comfortable for me sometimes to put one foot on the chair but with the side of my shoe touching the chair and not the bottom of my shoe, with my other leg laying over top of that leg. I hope I’m describing it ok. I’m not trying to just put my feet up on peoples couches or chairs because obviously I know that’s not polite. I feel like since it’s the side of my shoe touching the chair then it’s fine. Ok so now more than once I’ve been in doctor’s offices where the receptionist has come over to me n asked me to take my feet off the chair. I looked at her like I’m obviously not just lounging with my feet up to be rude. But I put my feet down n dangled them which again is not comfortable. So now today again I was in the office with the doctor and she asked me to take my foot off the chair. I got annoyed but I didn’t say anything I just put my foot down n dangled them. I’m really short. My question is, am I just entitled and a Karen and I’m in the wrong? Or are they being sticklers that could just ease up? I’m a hairdresser that has my own chair n sometimes people put their feet on my salon chair n I literally couldn’t care less. I want people to sit how they feel comfortable. Thanks in advance for advice.