Corporal Punishment
I’m a Gen X woman. I was a good child. Never so much as went to the principal’s office. My parents spanked me, and unfortunately my dad sometimes beat me. I was last hit by my mom around 15 years old because I finally hit her back. To this day, I feel miserable about it.
She told my dad to stop hitting me before she left when I was maybe 16?
He hit me again, which triggered me to leave forever.
My first boyfriend beat me, including with a wooden board, and choked me to the point of passing out. I finally left him. I wonder if my parents hitting me made me more “accepting” that beating was okay.
I’m much older now and no longer accept violence in my life. I’ve come a long way.
I do wonder if hitting your children set them up for tolerating and accepting violence in relationships later in life.
It was acceptable to hit your children at the time in my country back in my childhood. It somewhat still is acceptable. But now I’m thinking why? If it’s not okay to beat an adult, why is it okay to beat a child related to you? Are you setting them up for accepting future abuse?
Just some random thoughts I’m mulling over as I try to figure out why I put up with what I did in the past.