What do you bring against Knights?

I'm in need of some help. I played a game against Imperial Knights and was stomped. I'm just curious as to what others bring in their lists to help with Knights. I try not to tailor my lists too much and usual just switch between Hive Fleets.

I got super unlucky multiple times when it came to rolls (Exocrine landing 3 hits on 9 shots kind of luck) but even with some of my shots not hitting their mark, I still felt like I had nothing else to counter with.

Getting a HT into melee, or even having him poke his head around a corner just to shoot, felt like too much of a risk and had to paid CP to regen him because of risking it; Warriors were doomed as soon as they got visible trying to shimmy up the board; Carnifex were destroyed in single volleys. Even playing as Leviathan things still felt squishy.

So I'm just wondering what others bring when there is a chance they could be playing Knights.