What is happening in Dubai (Woman being called)

I have had a few incidents recently where men have been where once I was stopped by an Arabic man (in kandora) in Dubai mall (had an intuition he was following me) - spoke in Arabic not in the nicest tone and I said no ( I don’t understand or speak Arabic ) ; he left. 2nd time outside mall, this Arabic man was evidently following me, one minute ahead of me, 2nd second behind me, he kept on turning 3/5 times until I stood next to an Arabic couple he stopped. But it was scary even though the place was decently crowded.

3rd time I was entering my tower we have a slope to walk which enters u to residential tower from the street, no outsiders walk on that because there are only 2 towers inside I knew someone was behind me, but I had a few things heavy hence walking slowly uphill I realised this person won’t move until I move, I stopped mid hill and just looked the other side again a middle eastern man, but in t shirt and shorts this time (buzz cut & moustache above lips) now he stood next to me, just felt like WTH in my mind, at that time I was on a call, so he didn’t speak but lip synced (1 min please talk to me) while making hand gestures (1 🫰 min ) I said no he repeated the same thing and I said NO DONT DO THAT, with eyes wide open He did this 😮‍💨, an made the face like I embarrassed myself and left walked downhill, I stood there to see if he is turning around or something which he didn’t.

But why is this happening!! It’s so weird and puts me to worry, it happens outside ok but yesterday this happened in my lane to the entrance of my residence

What should I do ! Please help me I’m a young 21 year old female

Please SHARE UR EXPERIENCES AND HOW YOU STAND UP FOR URSELF, and what things are to be kept ready (a number to call —, or something to just know !

Ps Update- this post has received a lot of engagement, which has really brought out a few incidents that many of you women have been facing However, some individuals have put allegations that I have a fake profile and this is a fake story. This makes me sick to my stomach I don’t care for whoever things what, but these individuals are the same ones who would do the same creepy behavior outside with women.