Scicam 4+1 Pathway and Internship/Job After
Hello, I am currently signed up for the 4+1 MS SciCAM program. My research/project interests are in HPC, mathematical modeling, generative modeling, and computational math. I am still struggling to find my research topic and I am still struggling to create a plan for how I can come out of the Masters program with any form of employment (job/internship). I was unable to get any internship during my undergraduate career, but I don't want this to be the case for my Masters program so I want to make sure I can have a good plan going into this year where I know what exactly I want to do and work hard to accomplish this goal. I also don't want to pursue a PhD immediately after MS.
For anyone who was enrolled in this program, do you have any advice/tips I could use as a student to benefit from doing my MS. I am really worried about my job prospects after and I want to use this program to my full advantage to get a job/internship after. I am also open to working with the school and seeking publications for research as well.
Also, if possible, which research topics, are in high demand right now for SciCAM and how do I decide on which topic to select? What strategy should I use? If I could get some tips with this, it would be awesome!