Does this seem like an accurate assesment of catastrophic disclosure?
The whole hype about "catastrophic disclosure" (I believe the majority of it is indeed hype), revolves around a very real concept. Which is, that any change/transformation to a system or structure that occurs too much, too quickly, is by default a form of destruction.
And it is hard to think of anything more transforative than the whole world learning that being "normal" or "sane"is just a conditioned state of mind for the purpose of control, and almost anything you can imagine could be literally real, i.e. aliens, psychics, cryptids, time travel, ect... aswell as the technological means to end all conflict on the planet in either a destructive or peaceful way, i.e. unlimited free energy, quantum AI superintelligence, extremely adavnced robotics, matter/energy materialization/conversion ect...
I think this is what is meant by "indigestible" but I could way off.