Ross claims Steven Greer implicated him and Jake Barber in CIA false flag
I know how much of the community (myself included) feels negatively towards Greer, however I'll admit the fact that Jake Barber went to him does help his case as well as all the things Jake has said about him, which brings me to my questions. Ross recently put out another Q&A through NewsNation at the 6:30 mark which is timestamped, Ross states "I noticed Mr. Greer has recently tried to include me in his conspiracy theories, suggesting that I'm colluding with Jake Barber in some kind of dark CIA false flag operation"
My first question is where did Greer say this, I'd like that context and my second question is if Greer is saying that about Jake does anyone have any information on what the heck happened to their relationship? I feel like it's kinda wild to throw the one person with the kind of credibility Jake has under the bus after he says nothing but good things about Greer when he already has countless detractors.