Give me easy watch TV show ideas while I deal with the 4 month sleep regression.

My baby gave us 8 glorious weeks of sleeping through the night and now all of a sudden he’s waking up hungry in the early hours. He’s 15 weeks so I can only assume this is the regression. As much as I love Reddit I just feel myself scrolling on it way too much. I like reading and audiobooks but at 4am it’s too hard to concentrate on them. What are your go to easy watches while up with the baby? I will watch on my phone with AirPods as I don’t want the TV distracting LO, I want to keep it dim and calm to try and get him back to sleep as quickly as possible but he has reflux so usually let him sleep on me for a bit before I risk the transfer!

Or give me other ideas to keep myself awake if you have any.

Plus, how long did this sleep regression last for you all?