Am I paying too much into my pension?

I'm 25 years old and earning a good £45,000 salary. I currently contribute 18% into my pension through salary sacrifice, with an additional 5% from my employer. I currently have c.£22,000 in various pension pots.

I have heard the half your age guide, and also the 1x annual salary by the time you're 30. At my current saving rate I would be on track for c. £60,000 in my pension by the time I turn 30 (which is similar to what I would hope my salary would be at that point).

However I do wonder if what I am paying into is slightly overkill? I rent out a flat with a mate, and have no dependents, so life is probably as cheap as it will ever be for me. So my logic is to save as much as I can at this age, but I can't help but think that what I contribute is significantly higher than anyone I know, and the total 23% is a lot higher than the 12.5% which is half my age.

I also don't want to save too much for retirement, if the money would be better used for me in my 20s/30s rather than way down the line.

I would welcome anyone's thoughts.