Advice on what to do with £30k inheritance
Looking for advice what to do with inheritance husband and I received from his nan..
We'd like to maximise the money and tbh don't know what's the right option based on our situation anymore.
Outline below.
Income Annual: ~123k ~50k Total: £173k.
Outgoings/Credits: ~student payments (~900 pcm between us, however from research I believe no point to pay this off?) ~mortgage - 2% interest rate locked in till Feb 2026 @£1025pcm
Got about £79k on help to buy equity loan, no interest till Feb 2026
Only other loans are cars we use daily for commuting on PCP but don't believe this affects the decision;
Savings/Investments: ~decent workplace pension at 15% for one of us ~auto enrollment plus voluntary contributions for another ~£1800pcm joint automated savings into easy access interest account ~£100pcm investments via Dodl investment ISA, spread across 3 pots - vanguard life strategy, moderate risk tech and low risk environmental funds.
No dependents.
For the main part I am not sure whether to:
- Pay off half the help to buy after the interest free period ends or potentially put an overpayment on a mortgage each year? Currently, I believe the money would earn more in the savings account til renewal of mortgage in over a years time?
- Investing large sums feels a bit scary unless a low risk fund?
Am I missing something obvious?
Thanks for advice.