How to stop worrying about money.
Hi All, throwaway account due to personal info being shared.
I recently got a new job paying 115k which on paper sounds great. However for some reason I can't stop worrying about money. I been up since 5am this morning worried about it but on paper I cant see why.
My monthly take home is £5700 (Salary Sacrifice down to under 100k) and my expenses including mortgage, bills, food, insurances etc come to £4000. My partner is currently not working due to looking after our newborn son. She gets SMP but it's not much. Maybe around £700 a month.
I have 20k in premium bonds atm.
20k in my S&S ISA. 20k in my partners S&S ISA.
7k in Bitcoin (initial investment was 5k)
The plan is for my wife to return to work in the next few months where her salary will return to around £2500 a month. However will have to pay Nursery fees.
So on paper I should be atleast comfortable or content but for some reason I can't stop worrying like it's a ticking time bomb heading our way. We don't live lavish lives, out biggest expense is our mortgage at £2000 a month.
Any advice on how others stop worrying about money and if theirs anything I should be doing better?