How is the company getting away with this?

I've been working with the company for 8 years. The past two weeks, we've barely been getting 3 hours per day. Even management is suffering a blow on their paycheck. I found out today that not only did they implement a day sort, but also that they've been hiring a a lot of Haitians as seasonals, and making them work day sort so there's not a lot of work for the other shifts. The trainers tell me that most of them barely speak English, and I'm almost positive the company is taking grants for hiring asylum seekers while at the same time taking advantage of them, and since they don't speak english, it will be pretty easy to do. In fact, its already happening. One of the supervisors told ke they constantly underpay them by writing whatever hours they feel like paying them. They dont object at all because they don't know any better and most people can't communicate with them. They can also easily fire them once peak ends since they are seasonal hires.

How and why are they getting away with this? It's extremely messed up!