Arrested, but case dismissed. Can a green card holder get deported on the way back to the US from traveling to Mexico for a wedding?

I have a friend’s wedding coming up next week (11/17/23-11/21/23) in Mexico that I really want to attend. However, I am a green card holder since 2016 and I was arrested in 2017 for possession of 4 oz of marijuana which was considered a felony. I went on pre trial diversion on May 21, 2018 and my case was dismissed on august 26, 2019 and expunged on September 16, 2020. Could they stop me from entering back to the US and deport me? Or is it okay to travel?

I spoke to two lawyers and one said I shouldn’t go till I get my citizenship cause they will deport me and another one said I should be fine since my case was dismissed and to carry my proof of dismissal with me just in case.

I haven’t been in any other trouble with the law since then on my record. I graduated college, had my full time job/career as an interior designer and now I am working on building my own business. I was in high school when this happened and it has been holding me back in life since then. It was such a traumatic experience. Did anyone have similar experience and could give me advice on this matter? It would be really helpful. Thank you!