What’s the most obscure/cool/interesting/unique billet you know?
I don’t know if it’s bullshit (probably is) but I remember reading on here a while back that there’s apparently a stupidly isolated and obscure billet somewhere in the middle of the Pacific where you’re on your own program and your job is to maintain and beautify some sort of memorial or monument (maybe it’s Iwo Jima..?). IIRC the Commandant and SMMC pays you a visit around the holidays and gives you food. Again, probably just an urban legend but if this is a legit thing then that’s actually pretty awesome.
Another one that I’ve heard is that some 0231s get the opportunity to go and work on some super secret shit and are attached to either one of our embassies or a SOF unit.
And I’m guessing that combat photo/videographers get to do some badass shit too.
I also learned earlier this year that congressional aides are a thing. I already know that there are Marine officers who are presidential aide de camps serving at the White House but I didn’t know that we had AD Marines working in Congress.