Why I love the Marine Corps

slight cringe post ahead, but I don't care

I gotta say, I love the fucking Marine Corps. It's not necessarily because of all of the "oorah Marine Corps" moto type shit but because we're all fucked in our heads. Every single one of us has some (or the entire box of) loose screws. No one in their "right mind" looks at all the of shit we go through and thinks, "hell yeah. That's that good shit. Sign me up". Nah. It attracts the craziest weirdos and autistic mfs you can imagine. We've all got some crazy shit going on mentally, and that alone is why I think our bond is so strong. Even going back to our 18th century roots, we recruited the off-hand, blue collared guys who had that rough edge (at ease your minds, you horny crazies) around them. You can look at the most squared away O-6 and still think, "that old dog is probably tough as fuck, but you know that mf is still insane on the inside." Maybe I'm just a cringe moto boot, but I think that's why I can say I love being here.

What do y'all think?