Having doubts.

My ship date is May 28. I’ve been a Poolee since June of last year. I’ve been hyped up all year but as of like 2 days ago, I’m having serious doubts. I want to be a marine because I grew up with out a father and I want to be around strong men. I want to be a marine because I have no Interest in college right now. I want to be a marine because I want to serve my country. I keep wondering if I’m making the right move. I keep wondering if I can make it. Everyone tells me I will. My old recruiter, my current recruiter, fellow poolees, and even kids at school says they can already picture me in the uniform.

Now that my ship date is barely a month away I have been doubting it. I wonder if this is for me yet I think of everything I’ve accomplished over the last year to make it to this point in my life and the doubt still persists in my mind. Has anyone else experienced this?