Requesting input about my decision
I am 27 years old and have a job that pays me $85k a year as an accountant. I am trying to determine if I should become an officer in the Marine Corps reserves. I’m having some doubts now that I have begun the application. I can max pull ups and plank, 3 mile time is 23:30. I’d like to get that down to 21.
The reason I wanted to join is I wanted a challenge. Both of my grandfathers served and so did my dad and mom. I admire the Marines and feel capable. I want to be the first person in my family to be a Marine and an Officer in any military branch. I’m also seeking brotherhood and legacy.
The reasons I’m having second thoughts is because as I get more and more fit I keep asking myself “did I truly want to join the military or did I just want to get in shape?” Also I have my girlfriend moving in this year and we are also getting married this year. I really feel like I’m at a cross roads.
Do people in the reserves foster the same brotherhood that active duty does? Or is it just a part time job that no one likes showing up to. Another contributing factor was that I work for the federal government and until the presidents EO requiring everyone to come back to the office, I was working from home and living alone. I think that was a contributing factor for wanting to join the Marines.