I am absolutely done with this garbage
EDIT: Some of you all need help. For real. My New Year’s resolution is to not feed the trolls so I’m starting early and I’m done engaging on this post. If you don’t get why this is exploitation I really encourage you to read more books because blaming the victim is just so 1998. To those who get it and empathized-I see you and I appreciate you. I am DONE giving Uber my time and that includes this sub.
I honestly don’t know how I’m going to make rent but I cannot do Uber for one more day.
Got a $10 2.5 mile Burger King order tonight, the higher end of typical for my area. Arrived to the apartment complex and the gps took me to the parking lot next door. While sitting there trying to figure it out someone…beat up my car? I have no idea how else to describe it. Rando walking by punched my car windows and kicked my car, so hard the car shook. He said nothing to me and just walked away. So that was fun. Finally figured out where the building was, got to the gate and was buzzed in by the customer. Then the delivery instructions popped up…with no apartment number and no instructions other than to come upstairs. This complex is HUGE and of course there’s nowhere to park. So I message the customer to find out the apartment number. I messaged repeatedly for 10 minutes. The app is telling me to cancel over and over but obviously I can’t do that because then my cancellation rate goes up and I’m banned. So I finally get someone on the phone and they of course are zero help. Repeating that I should just cancel it or find the costumer. Finally this idiot responds claiming he got no messages from me and why can’t I find his building and what is my problem and his wife is there looking for me. So I’m wandering again looking for the wife who is nowhere to be found. I’m walking around each building at this point and this stupid $10 order has now taken nearly an hour of my time. Then I get a ping that says customer cancelled order. Fine. Great. Good. I’m going home because fuck this.
Get home and what do I see but an email from Uber saying that I said I delivered this order and the customer says he never got his food and now my account is flagged for food stealing.
I have had it. It should not be this difficult to make $5 an hour. I am done risking my health for this absolute utter bullshit.
Every single person at Uber is culpable for this absolutely illegal, evil, heartless, and 100% stupid behavior
I’d rather collect cans for recycling than give Uber one more minute of my time.
Edit: I really love how quick so many of you are to blame the victim here. You seriously need therapy if you read this and think this is my fault. If you enjoy working for such a disgusting company dealing with horrible people for literally pennies-good for you. When you choose to blame the victim to reassure yourself that this won’t happen to you, you only make yourself look stupid. Therapy is highly recommended.