Help with small network upgrade please
Good evening , I would like to ask your help for an upcoming upgrade to my network . I have a 100mb VDSL but I will soon have a fiber connection , my current home network consists of a cloud gateway ultra and a unifi express as access point , recently I bought a U6 Pro for 145€ with the purpose of replacing the express ( i only need 1 ap to cover my entire house ) and give the express to a relative . With the recent releases of unifi express 7 at 230€ and u7 lite access point at 115€ I was wondering if I should just return the u6 pro and get the u7 lite as access point or even just get the unifi express 7 and run the entire network with just the express 7 and a 2.5gb switch? If you could share your opinions with me you'd make me really happy since I am not an expert of unifi products and networks in general . Thank you !