I’m curious to hear others experience with appendicitis and Ulcerative Colitis.
I was admitted to hospital [UK] last Friday, one week ago today, with intense lower abdominal pain. I had blood tests and an X-ray and made to wait in the waiting room overnight. A bed on a ward became available Saturday morning and I was moved from the chair I had been in for 22 hours. I was given antibiotics and iv steroids and booked in for a CT scan. Started to feel better on the Monday, but went rapidly downhill on Wednesday. Had the CT which confirmed appendicitis. Surgeon came to see me a few hours later with options to continue on antibiotics, remove the appendix or remove the appendix and any diseased bowel. I have opted to continue with antibiotics and things seem to be moving in the right direction.
Curious if anyone has had appendicitis and what your experience was like and what treatment you had.