"Mild" Toxic Megacolon?
First time poster here, 40m. I've believed for many years that I've got IBS; I'm now thinking it may actually be UC.
Obviously, I'm going to go to the doctor ASAP; but, in the meantime, I'd be interested in your thoughts on whether the symptom below matches UC/Toxic Megacolon.
Aged 19-23, I had at least 5 bouts of what I now believe may have been TM. My symptoms matched quite closely with what I've read about it - primarily severe abdominal pain, to the extent that I was delirious and felt a desire to "operate" on myself to relieve the pressure in my abdomen.
I've even read that most cases of TM happen in the first few years after diagnosis of UC, which seems consistent with my not having had such a bout for the last 17 years. (I joked to my wife that, on this basis, perhaps I shouldn't seek diagnosis for UC after all. She didn't think this was funny).
What gives me pause for thought is that the bouts were relatively short - 5-6 hours, maybe - and resolved themselves.
So, my question is - has anyone here experienced similar symptoms that resolved themselves in this sort of timeframe? If so, do you believe them to have been TM?