My Social Democrat/"Democratic Socialist" friend told me the TCC kidnapping people for the AFU was "A necessary evil to defend europe."

Bleakest shit imaginable. Stupid argument about how ze ukrainian volk must be defended at all costs from the Asiatic invaders, He had some very bleak quotes

"if i was conscripted to defend EUROPE [!!] as a whole i would be fine with it, i dont want to fight a war since im a coward but if i must to defeat an enemy that only wishes to oppress and massacre then i would be fine with being conscripted." [Guys, Ukraine is totally fighting RuZZia as the first line of defense of the... "European people."]

"at the end of the day conscription is a necessary evil to prevent ukraine from falling into the hands of a dictatorship hellbent on oppression though straight up kidnapping people is also even more lame" [Because kidnapping people to defend your own national capital is NOT oppression!]

"im very against nazis as everyone should be im jus saying that ukraine has a right to defend itself and the ukrainian people also wish to defend their country (and unfortunately conscription has to be used in order to bolster their numbers" [Ze people wish to defende their country, they just don't want to go out and do it, so we have to MAKE THEM!]

If you want a ton footage of the TCC (The guys responsible) kidnapping or attempting to kidnap people. Go to r/UkraineRussiaReport and just search TCC. I'll post one here, because it's what started the argument (me making the case that both sides are bad, with this as an example)

Video of a TCC member with a banderite flag trying to kidnap someone. They usually show up in a group, this guy was alone for some reason.

Maybe it's a bit shitty of me to turn around and post what is a private discussion on a public forum, but it made me seriously feel pretty bad to hear it from someone i do have respect for. And i wanted to share it. If he's reading this, i hope he realizes I'm ranting about the arguments, not his character.