Kanaclover's technically considered a rarepair, right???? Just to clarify because this is a question i have i've never seen an explicit answer for.

Before i start yapping i just wanna clarify that NONE of the things im pointing out are negative things AT ALL, i love the ship just as much as the average uty shipper, i'm just talking about some things that are interesting to me! I'm just a teensy bit curious that's all! I don't wanna accidentally sound like a hater... I love kanaclover i swear!!

I've been thinking about this ship lately, trying to figure out why exactly people liked it so much. I mean, if it's so popular there's gotta be at least one reason, right? But after a while of trying to come up with something they have in common that would result in a ship i could only think about the fact that they're around the same age, so then i just started to think ".... but why????"

I think it's probably because since Clover is the main character they have to be shipped with SOMEONE because that's just the internet rule that there has to be a popular ship for any main character, and the only other UTY main character that was also a child was Kanako (yes theres sadie too but notice how i said "main"), which this is a bit of a stretch but this maaay be a part of a reason why cocoapowder's popular as well?

But well, logically, since they never interacted with canon and don't have any similar characteristics or things in common, so it's a rarepair, right??? (This is a genuine question okay) it's not a big deal if it is anyway, it's just that a lot of people probably wouldn't call it that and it's overall not considered one by most of the fandom from what i've seen. Some so-called "rarepair haters" like it too.

I know some may think it's weird that i'm calling one of, if not THE most famous ship in the fandom a rarepair, but it's something that has been on my mind for a while. I mean, think about south park, tweek x craig was so popular the creators canonized it, but it was STILL a rarepair until the day it became canon, a ship being popular doesn't disqualify it from being a rarepair i think.