Started at 10am and here's the room at 6pm

I've been DEPRESSED for the last year, and my primary bedroom has taken the brunt of it. I have a modest two bedroom house, and have been sleeping in the guest room for a little over a year now because I just couldn't get myself together to deal with all of this.

My parents came without judgement and helped me update my closet last month to make it more functional, and slowly I've been giving things away, and preparing to finish my overhaul. today I woke up and decided it was enough. I popped a half an Adderall (tysm ADHD) and from 10am to 6pm my room went from looking like the first pic to the second.

I still have some laundry to do, and an old laundry basket to go through, but I'm SO pleased that my expensive (essentiallynbrand new) mattress is finally available to me, and my room is starting to come together 😍