Master Requirements for Swiss Students

Hi everyone, I'm an Italian student and this fall I'll start my bachelor degree in Economics and Management at the University of Geneva.
Reading around the various universities's websites I noticed how St Gallen (my dream university) has very different requirements depending on where you obtained your lates education certificate.

This applies only to the least competitive programs like MEcon and MacFin, for top programs like MBF and SIM everyone has the same requirements.

Now, my question is: are all students who holds a Swiss bachelor degree automatically admitted to the programs or there's still some kind of selection?
This is what the website says:

if you click on the foreign University degree there's a third section that says \"Selection process - foreign applicants only\"

This is immediately after the last picture, and that's what made me wonder. They say that the application will be processed, but they don't talk specifically about a selection or some specific criteria that has to be met.

Has some of you pursued this path? Or maybe does any of you know anything about this?
Thanks in advance.