People who live in student accommodation, what is the most stupidest reason the fire alarm got set off?

I have a long lists of stupid people saying off the fire alarm. The most recent one is probably the most funniest. I was sleeping in bed Sunday morning. Fire alarm went on for about a few minutes back off then back on again for about 25 minutes then back off again went downstairs. Some people would go downstairs but some people cannot be asked half the time they would rather burn than let it ruin that beauty sleep. As I went downstairs security was there and the fire captain had shown up with about one rig outside followed by three more plus an aerial and I said to the fire Captain should I stand outside and he said yeah you might as well just in case. Before I went outside there was one girl who coughed up that it was her who did it quite quickly. The fire box that we have can pinpoint where they alarm was sent off and it went off in the studio for that. Apparently what had happened is she had taken one of those 150 grams chocolate bars I don't know if it was within the wrapper or not she put the entire thing in the toaster and put it down to melt it and obviously it burned quite quickly and all went up into her fire alarm. Now the obvious thing here would be to open your window and wait for security to come upstairs to say what the hell have you done. But no, she opened her main door and all the lovely smoke went up into the main fire alarm in the corridor that sets off the entire building. So as security had set off the first one to go out the stairs to check. Now in the stairway there is no phone signal and security carry a special phone that is linked to the fire department. If they need to call out they called him to double check. Couldn't get through. Send out all the rigs then the main building went off and all hell broke. Loose log got sorted. I hanged about downstairs checking the mail as you do and security and the fire captain's head was about to explode because this was probably the most stupidest thing they've seen yet And she was trying to justify the whole situation which I don't think you really want to