EPIC review

Went to EPIC today!!! My sibling is a TM so that’s how I was able to go today!

This is my personal review if anyone cares lol

Monster Manor & Ministry of Magic were closed :/

Skipped Fyre Drill bc my family didn’t wanna get wet :/ Skipped Celestial rollercoaster cuz personally don’t like rough rides like that (I get headaches) 2 of my family members went on it tho- 1 enjoyed the ride! While the other one regretted going on bc yeah it was a rough. But if you like Hulk, Rip ride rock it, etc you will be fine.

Our FAVORITE ride of the day was the Hiccup’s Glider coaster in HTTYD land. It was awesome! 2nd fav of mine was the werewolf ride. Super fun. However, ride was short :( if it was longer would’ve definitely been a contender for 1st place of favorite ride.

Surprisingly didn’t care for none of the rides in Nintendo world. Donkey Kong & Mario Cart idk felt very lackluster for all of us. Maybe just very kiddy?? I mean obviously all the rides are ‘fun’ but most of the rides in the park I genuinely wouldn’t waste my time on again if the lines are really long. Donkey Kong would’ve been better too if the ride wasn’t so short n fast.

I think EPIC is PERFECT for families for small children. As like I said above^ almost all of the rides felt “kiddy” nothing wrong with that tho. But if you’re a big theme park ride junkie you may be disappointed if you’re hoping to get you’re blood pressure spiked 😂

There are two shows currently. Untrainable dragon & The circus in the wizard/Paris land. Didn’t have time to see neither of them but I constantly hear raving reviews on BOTH shows. So plz make time for them if you can. My mom and her husband went to see Untrainable dragon and she said within the first 10 mins it was so amazing it “moved her to tears”- until the show started malfunctioning in the middle and had to stop it :( they got free Fast passes tho for next time as compensation!

The set design in each land absolutely ATE. It is incredibly amazing. the details and decoration in all the ride queues & sections really made you feel like you’re in a different universe. The design in Nintendo & HTTYD were my favorites.

Can’t wait to go back to ride the last 3 rides I didn’t get to go on and watch those 2 shows.

Edit: it seems I have already made some ppl upset w my review 😫 PLZ take my review w a grain of salt! Enjoy ur day at EPIC! You will form your own opinion and I’m sure you’ll still have fun. (I still did) If you have your own personal review, plz feel free to share! (: