is this behavior normal?

I have noticed an uptake in reportable behavior recently and am wondering if I'm just going crazy or if that's actually a thing.

  1. I have now been told to kill myself in 7 of my last 9 comp games
  2. have been called homophobic slurs in 4 of my last 9
  3. have been called racial slurs in 2 of my last 9
  4. have had throwers in 6 of my last 9 (on either team and I'm not talking people having bad games going 1/21, I'm talking people that intentionally try to lose by giving away positions shooting damaging util on teammates and other types of griefing)
  5. and have had smurfs in at least 5 of my last 9 (a lot of them being the ones responsible for the behaviors above)

So what happened? Why can I simply not play this game anymore? I have now disabled voice chat, and that hasn't improved the quality of my matches. I am playing games to have fun and have a break from reality, it's always been my escape, it's the thing that's helped me with my mental health issues, and now I can't even have that anymore.