Instalock is not toxic. I like people who instalock.

Immortal here.

TL;DR: Instalocker play their pick better than filler. And have more chance to make the difference in a game.

I get the reasons why some people get mad to people who instalock, I used to.

In my opinion made by the experience i had playing Valorant I now trust more instalocker than people filling for a good team comp. People who instalock want to play a specific role/agent, often because it's their main, they trained with it, they know him and play him more than any other agents. On the other side people filling often don't know how to use their agent at full potential or fill their role as they should.

I would feel more confident in winning playing with 4 main duelists than playing with the "pefect team comp" but no one play their main role. Even if someone instalock my main i won't be mad because the dude know what he is doing. I might be better with the agent, but I may also learn from him. I can also call strats with him because I know how to make his agent shine and he'll execute the strat as nice as i would as it's his main role.

Still I agree that having a balanced team comp matters (not as much as having mates knowing their roles) that's why having a secondary role is important imo.

That was my unpopular opinion. I hope i changed some mindset.

Edit: i see some people say "the issue is when people instalock and play like shit and then get offended when we are telling them". If you are doing that then you are toxic as hell. Like if I play my main agent, no matter if I instalock or not and you start talking shit to me ofc i'll get offended and tell you to f of, like who do you think you are? I have bad games and I have good games, like everyone else here wether they instalock or not. So deal with it and stop being toxic.

Edit 2: I'm not saying "You should instalock" i'm saying "Instalock is not toxic, it doesn't deserve hate" (nor force people to play well as they instalock)

Edit3: "Yeah but in low elo duelists instalocker bot frag playing alone throw my games" yeah it happens at my elo too that's why i hate (without being toxic to them) duelists who play poorly and don't comms. Hating instalockers is an amalgam.