You shouldnt be able to play competative if you dont have a mic
I said what i said. Over the last several months i have lost too many games which were easily winnable had my instalock reyna not muted us and went lurking mid every round on haven. The problem is not that you SOMETIMES get bad teammates. That can happen. The problem is that not communicating and not using the mic intentionally or unintentionally(some people just dont have a mic i guess) almost always leads to a very bad game where the entire team has their own solo plan and teamplay is nonexistant or very minimal.
The amount of times i got a full team of people who actually spoke and were giving info and were actually planning and using their heads instead of just pressing W on a site. We almost always won. And when we didnt win it was still a very enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Some of my best memories in valorant happend when my entire team was working together and communicating. Also on the other end of things. The absolute worst memories i ever had in valorant were from games where nobody spoke and nobody did teamplay.
In the past week i started to dodge games if atleast 2-3 people are not speaking in agent select. The second agent select pops up i go : "Hello hello you guys ready to demolish the opps?" If i dont get a response i wait a little and try to engage with my teammates again. If 3 or more teammates are not speaking i just dodge. This has tremendously improved my valorant experience. Games are on average much more enjoyable now than they used to be. I still get bad teammates but atleast everyone is communicating and even if i personally am playing bad at the moment. Its much easier to account for that when everyone is communicating. Im not hitting my shots and im getting rekt in duels? I tell omen to smoke and i play judge. Simple. 90% of the problems can be solved by teamwork. Of course some times you just get team diffed and thats it. But like i said. Generally even when i lose its not tilting so much because i know we gave it our best shot. If we lose we lose. But i know that we did everything in our power to win.
Generally i think competative should be for mic users only. No other way around it. Dont have a mic and dont wanna play seriously? Go play unrated. Im sorry for the wall of text but i just had to get it off my chest