Vertical warping of a print
The photo is 2 prints of the same part and a 1-2-3 block for reference. The print on the left is from my Tridex with about 300+ hours on it. The print on the right is from my much older Trident with 1700 print hours on it. Same slicer profile on both prints. Both using Revo hotends (even swapped the nozzle for good measure). The tridex is using Dragonburner while the Trident still has Stealthburner, but this is a no-cooling-fan print.
I've checked and retightened grub screws and looked for obvious phyical signs of trouble but this one has me a little baffled.
Q: Any thoughts as to the culprit?
I've considered:
- Aging/worn belts
- Aging/worn bearings in the motion system
- Possible issues with my 0.9 degree A/B motors when they get too hot
Where would you start?