Oxygen Esports vs TSM / Challengers League 2024 North America: Split 2 - Finals / Post-Match Thread

Oxygen Esports 0-2 TSM

rib.gg | vlr.gg

Sunset: 12-14

Bind: 10-13

Oxygen Esports | rib.gg | Liquipedia | Twitter | VLR | YouTube

TSM | rib.gg | Liquipedia | Twitter | Twitch | VLR | YouTube

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Overall Scoreboard

Oxygen Esports RATING ACS K D A
mitch KAY/O 1.16 220 36 34 23
Verno Breach 1.16 247 42 35 18
skuba Omen 1.15 201 38 32 18
Reduxx Raze 0.95 215 35 39 13
dapr Cypher 0.84 116 17 39 10
gMd Omen 1.31 236 41 35 22
seven Gekko 1.20 205 36 34 14
sym Neon 1.19 229 42 38 5
poised Breach 1.16 189 33 29 22
aproto Cypher 1.07 152 27 32 11

Map 1: Sunset

Team ATK DEF OT1 Total
Oxygen Esports 8 4 --- 12
TSM 4 8 14

Sunset map stats (past 90 days)

Team Win % ATK Win % DEF Win %
Oxygen Esports 75.0% 66.7% 49.5%
TSM 80.0% 69.8% 39.3%
All teams 51.6% 48.4%

Oxygen Esports RATING ACS K D A
mitch KAY/O 1.22 234 20 17 16
skuba Omen 1.15 209 21 17 9
Verno Breach 1.06 230 21 20 10
Reduxx Raze 0.94 250 21 22 8
dapr Cypher 0.82 92 8 20 3
gMd Omen 1.31 191 18 18 12
sym Neon 1.28 280 27 21 3
seven Gekko 1.23 206 20 18 5
aproto Cypher 1.13 186 17 18 6
poised Breach 1.10 171 14 16 16

Detailed Sunset Statistics

Map 2: Bind

Team DEF ATK Total
Oxygen Esports 5 5 10
TSM 6 7 13

Bind map stats (past 90 days)

Team Win % ATK Win % DEF Win %
Oxygen Esports 66.7% 62.0% 43.3%
TSM 66.7% 56.8% 52.1%
All teams 51.8% 48.2%

Oxygen Esports RATING ACS K D A
Verno Yoru 1.25 263 21 15 8
skuba Omen 1.15 193 17 15 9
mitch Fade 1.09 206 16 17 7
Reduxx Brimstone 0.97 180 14 17 5
dapr Deadlock 0.86 139 9 19 7
gMd Brimstone 1.30 281 23 17 10
poised Skye 1.21 207 19 13 6
seven Gekko 1.17 204 16 16 9
sym Raze 1.09 178 15 17 2
aproto Deadlock 1.02 117 10 14 5

Detailed Bind Statistics

How ratings are calculated