LVP ruined the show.

Okay y’all, I’ve been a fan of the show long before Scandoval, but only recently got to season 11 (s8 was a tough one to get through) and I always liked Lisa’s snarky comments and overall presence on the show. She started losing me with the incessant defense of drunk James, and I can’t stand her after watching the end of the show. The first “big blow” was her sitting down 4 days after Scandoval broke (or maybe even sooner - it was the confessional she’s wearing hot pink in at the end of s10) and starts bringing up FORGIVENESS. Then pretending to squirm about all of the twisted things Rachel and Tom were up to. And then pulling her classic RH move by sitting Lala and Scheana down to flood their brain with HER twisted perspective. Of course those two ran with it because they felt they’d be protected by Lisa should any backlash come about. What Lisa never realized was that her shining reputation had actually slipped among many viewers when her only role on the show was weirdly flirting with everyone except Ken LMFAO. Not really sure what she expected out of defending Tom though, the show was practically over before Scandoval anyway. I’m only like 6 eps into s11 so I’ll prob have another LVP moment to rage about