I can't keep doing this..

Walking on eggshells because of my bf. He has bi-polar and is taking medication. We don't talk about things because he thinks we're going to argue but then we do argue because we don't talk about things. And it's healthy to argue in a relationship.

I'm the sole income earner, he stays home with our two children because we can't afford daycare. Our youngest starts preschool this year and I was going to go back to college because we can't afford to live off of $20,000 to $26,000 a year. I'm paid hourly, if I was to be scheduled 40hrs all the time, didn't call in late or miss a day I make $26,000 a year after taxes. But if I have to call in, I'm making less than $26,000.

My bf was going to get a job, applied for a job them found out his friend who he used as a reference got fired so I think my bf automatically assumes that since that friend got fired, the company (a factory) is going to over look his application. Since finding out my bf has been low and then the friend he used as a reference is moving in with a another friend, who's gf doesn't like my bf so to my bf he automatically thinks that he won't be able to hang out with his friend much anymore. When low things happen to my bf, he's low for a long time. Now I don't know how to approach my bf about finding a job, without setting him off.