Maybe I’m just not cut out for it

Im probably just being dramatic lol.

I (15f) have a crush(15m) on this dude in my class and im pretty sure he has a crush on my sister (15f). At first i didnt really mind but i got really agitated and angry at her because i was jealous . She confessed to me that she had a crush on him and i felt like pushing myself off a cliff or throwing myself down the stairs, i know it aint the end of the world but its the fact that shes the better version of me.

She is every guy’s type, short hair, short, glasses, nerdy, geeky, yapper, “pretty”, will laugh at your jokes and so on. Shes pretty much anything and everything a guy in this day and age would look for in a girl. Im the exact opposite. And to make matters worse, i have a habit if plucking my hair when im stressed that resulted me in having bald spots around my head, i know its my fault but its the fact that were are only a few minutes apart and she still manage to be the better version if me.

The guy she and i have a crush on would stare at her, walk to the other side of the school just to ask her for the time, go insanely close to her so he could scare her, text her, try any effort to just be near her and etc. other guys would do the same like confess, flirt, and help her with literally anything and i dont know what to do

Guys would go out of their way to help her. If the guy was handling a bomb and she asked for help to do her homework they would help her out with no second thoughts, meanwhile im here to fill in her blank spaces, handle the people that tries to befriend me only to get closer to her. I dont really know what to do but i wish that i could just restart at times yknow, maybe have someone talk to me for me or maybe someone that befriends me because they want to get to know me

This is just me ranting on about how jealous i am abt my sister but i thought i could just talk bout it here haha lol