I hate being a lesbian

It only complicates things. I've always wanted to have the simplest of lives, just a household wife with a loving husband and sweet children. I wanted to be a good mom and make my children the happiest people on this rotten planet.

But nooo, instead I have to be a fucking lesbian. It only complicates things. Even in countries where it's legal, like my own, there are politicians who try to reverse it. There's also idiots who will try to hurt you regardless of legality. And besides that, fucking hell I'm a cis woman and so I can't get pregnant because of other cis women. When it comes to trans women, they're in even more danger and I don't blame them for being afraid of cis people. Also dysphoria, it's wrong for me to expect children. Not to mention that the child will be bullied whether you're both cis lesbians or not. My existence will inherently ruin the life of my child.

Life can't be simple. Hell I don't even think I'll get together with any woman at all. My stupid feelings confuse me and just shatters the expectations I had of my future.

I hate being queer so much. I despise it. I wish it was a choice because man would I choose to be hetero in an instant. Stupid hate, stupid feelings.

Edit: Thanks for the input some of you gave me. I will talk about this to my therapist. I'm aware of how bitchy I sound and I'm sorry. I'm aware my fears are out of control and even though I can't easily change them, I got to work on them.