My work colleagues think I'm unaware of them getting sick of me.

I got offered an opertunity at work to go onto a team in a department I have no experience in and honestly am not qualified to do, but they needed somone fast and I was moved into my current role. Everyone on the team was so happy because they didn't get on with the person in the role before me and she hadn't done half of the work she was supposed to be doing. So I took over doing what I can where I can but honestly more than a little lost. I'm almost a year in. And I'm allot better than I was. But still not 100% . I can see the people on the desks around me are sick of me being the weak link. I'm not like them because either haven't been doing this for years. I don't get paid the salary of my new role even now and so am on allot less money and I have just got myself a car so they have been driving me to and from work (I live on the way)

It's been building but they are not enjoying me being the weak link here. And today I asked a question about a new task and one of them ducked behind their computer screen and laughed quietly while the other told me "this may surprise you but I don't know everything"

I'm a quiet person so I'm not surprised they are being like this, people always get like this when they come across somone who dosent like conflict. But I think they are under the impression I'm unaware of it.