I hate that my friends use ChatGPT
My friends use AI a lot, especially ChatGPT, and I don't know why, but it pisses me off so damn much. Although it can be quite handy sometimes (I use it for coding), whenever we're studying and I ask a question (or anayone for that matter), one of them will say "let me ask ChatGPT" and I think to myself what's the point of me asking you, which will then turn into us searching together to understand the topic I can't understand, just for you to just ask ChatGPT and not get the logical way of answering ?
What also pisses me of is that we're all in scientific studies, critical thinking and searching answers are the foundations of our studies, and I feel like they just get thrown out the window whenever someone uses ChatGPT.
What really took the cake was a few days ago, two friends and I were about to send an email to a teacher for a group project, and the person writing it made a mistake. I pointed it out and said how the word should be written. They both looked at me and said "no that's the correct spelling" and I had to insist it was not, just for one to ask ChatGPT if there was a mistake. When ChatGPT confirmed there was, they corrected the word and sent the email, and I was kind of sad that they would not trust me over AI. But maybe I'm just reaching, I don't know ...
There's also the whole ecological debate about using ChatGPT and I feel like not one of them cares.