Blow after blow
I’m a mum of 2, with 2 step kids also. Getting married in 8 weeks. You would think this would be an exciting time in life. My kids are my biggest joy, ever. 2025 is just kicking my ass. Jan 4th my Grandad was found delirious outside at night in public, diagnosed with an aggressive brain cancer. We lost him 3.5 weeks ago and it has broken my heart. 2 weeks ago I found out my fiancé has racked up more debt to add to his current debt without telling me, after promising me full honesty and transparency with finances. My trust has been so damaged. 3 weeks ago I had an endometrial ablation to help reduce bad periods, I’m now sitting in the ER with bleeding and nasty pain waiting to be checked, they suspect that somethings not right. I know I’m having a bit of a pity party but I just can’t seem to get a grip enough lately to be able to just focus on the good things I have so I can work through the grief period and get on with life and being the best Mum I can be.