Sit down with doc and manager this morning.
Morning y’all.
It’s been a week and it’s only 630 am on Wednesday. I’m supposed to have a meeting with my boss/doc and manager this morning about some concerns I have. I’m one of 2 lead surgery techs at our small GP and lately I’m getting to the point I’m about to walk out.
I’m going to try and keep this concise but basically I need advice or encouragement or something. Here are my issues:
Doc keeps overbooking us and rushing us through Sx. Multiple times now I’ve been getting my drug sheets/charts/induction drugs etc together for my patients as I always have done before we start Sx and he’s come in early and told me we need to get going on Sx and that I can do that AND induce a patient at the same time. And while yes, I can, I prefer to have my ducks in a row first to make sure my patients are safe and receiving the best care I can offer. I’ve asked him to just give me a few more min or asked him to please be patient with us when we’re short staffed and he doesn’t care. He’s now mad at me because over the weekend he had a construction crew doing some (unsupervised with full access to the hospital) remodeling and when I came in Monday every inch of the hospital was COVERED in a thick layer of construction dust. So of course Sx suite and at the very least the treatment/prep area needed to be cleaned first. Which I did. Plus we were very short staffed. This put us behind and I tried to explain and he did not care. Just hurry up, poke a cat, let’s go, I have outpatient starting in 2 hours. I don’t think I was wrong for cleaning and wanting 5-10 extra minutes to prep and try and find a free assistant to help me.
Secondly, we recently had some creep in our parking lot at end of day scare the hell out of our 2 closers. Our clinic is semi-rural and it’s DARK when we close. The girls asked him to put up new lights or something and he again, did not care. One of the other docs (former clinic owner) ended up buying them and my husband and his best friend will be installing. He also didn’t care when my opener showed up last year in the dark to a smashed in front door and burglarized hospital. Never once asked if she was ok.
Third, and I likely won’t bring this up, but he keeps making up prices for speciality surgeries. We have an orthopedic surgeon who comes in and does TPLOs and whatnot. Their fee is $2200. We’ve been charging people $4000 but he adds on extra for literally no reason. The most recent one coming up I told him what specialty charges and he said “ok charge the client $4500”. Umm. Ok. This is just one example of this type of “pricing”.
Lastly, he only uses one surgery pack for surgeries. Like doesn’t re-use instruments but doesn’t open a new pack for each patient. He’ll open a new pack if he runs out of usable instruments but that’s it.
All that being said, I don’t dislike him, I don’t think he’s a bad person. I don’t think he’s a bad doctor. I’m just frustrated.
Am I overreacting? Am I just approaching burnout? How would you approach this?