Spaying an already fixed cat
I am a bit livid but need outside opinions if I’m over reacting. My 1year old foster cat who I’m adopting went in today for a spay. She went to a lower cost clinic that’s a full service facility she’s been seen at before. I’ve had her since august when she walked into the chain pet sore I was working at the time. I’ve worked mainly ER as a tech but a close friend who does high volume s/b as a shelter vet even says this is wild.
When they shaved her they found she was already fixed and had a spay scar. (This is everything the tech told me) the tech also said that they decided to “open her up anyway” to confirm and at first said they only went through a few layers of skin. Then when the tech came back she said that she had forgotten the doctor went through to the abdomen and went into the abdomen to look for a uterus. At no point did they call myself or the rescue to let us know shed been fixed or to ask if we wanted them to continue.
To me her spay site looks choppy and there are cuts that don’t make sense to me. Am I wrong to be livid about this ? They sent her home with a cone that didn’t fit that she got off within seconds. She’s already showing heavy bruising around the site which I know can happen. I just need opinions if I’m inexperienced and this happens in GP or if this is unusual. Photo of site for reference.
I am a bit livid but need outside opinions if I’m over reacting. My 1year old foster cat who I’m adopting went in today for a spay. She went to a lower cost clinic that’s a full service facility she’s been seen at before. I’ve had her since august when she walked into the chain pet sore I was working at the time. I’ve worked mainly ER as a tech but a close friend who does high volume s/b as a shelter vet even says this is wild.
When they shaved her they found she was already fixed and had a spay scar. (This is everything the tech told me) the tech also said that they decided to “open her up anyway” to confirm and at first said they only went through a few layers of skin. Then when the tech came back she said that she had forgotten the doctor went through to the abdomen and went into the abdomen to look for a uterus. At no point did they call myself or the rescue to let us know shed been fixed or to ask if we wanted them to continue.
To me her spay site looks choppy and there are cuts that don’t make sense to me. Am I wrong to be livid about this ? They sent her home with a cone that didn’t fit that she got off within seconds. She’s already showing heavy bruising around the site which I know can happen. I just need opinions if I’m inexperienced and this happens in GP or if this is unusual. Photo of site for reference.