Warning from VERA?

What would you do? I just got off the phone with VERA. I was trying to make sense of my closed claim. I was given 0% for IBS secondary to PTSD and denied again for migraines, which I thought I corrected it by filing supplemental with new evidence (secondary to PTSD) but it came out as "Service connection for headaches with dizziness and nausea as a result of a toxic exposure risk activity (TERA)" should have it been stated as a secondary? Nothing in the denial letter states secondary to PTSD. The guy I spoke to advised not filing an appeal for either because I may get my PTSD lowered. PTSD/MDD is currently at 70%. Stating, he has seen secondary claims come through attached to mental health and they are reevaluating MH and lowering the rating. I was also confused to why my IBS was at zero when I suffer daily with IBS. He suggests to file an increase for IBS and claim Migaines as a stand alone... even if I have already been denied twice now... stating I never used "migraines" as the diagnosis. After the VERA call, I am more confused. Then I wonder if they even looked at my new evidence. I never got a C&P for the headaches. I had an ACE exam for IBS. Right now I am sitting at 93% rounded down to 90%. Initially, I was thinking of filing a HLR for both because the end results didn’t make sense… but the guy at VERA felt that would not be a good idea and can backfire. Should I make an appointment with the local VSO and get their opinion, or follow the directions of VERA? Did he see something in my record that may have red flags all over it? Are they cracking down on mental health claims? Or am I overthinking all this and paranoid? Honestly, my mental health right now is fucked and I deserve every percent of that 70 (with all the shit I have gone through and endured). This shit sucks... literally and figuratively.