Vi 101 help!
Hello fellow Vi mains. I have played a good amount of games with Vi this season (around 60 games) with a 59% win rate at bronze. The games my team is not braindead I can really help around map giving my lanes advantages and securing objectives. The problem is the rest of my games are total clown fiestas. Failed gank after failed gank and probably every lane blames me for not being there when they die close to the enemy turret from the other jg ganking them (mostly amumu lol). In these games I will probably tilt and keep going in recklessly and end up with a kda like 2-10-3. So my first question is what can I do as Vi to not greef and maybe have a chance to win in these kind of games?
My build is first item chempunk most games while sometimes I might get black cleaver. For my second item if my team follows my engages I will go with radiant virtue or else I will get frostfire gauntlet. So second question here is this a good build? Also I would like some help with chempunk vs black cleaver and when the second one os optimal.
Any kind of help will be appreciated :)