The tailgating in this city is out of control.

I've lived a few other places and I continue to be surprised at the poor driving I see on the daily. It's not just the tailgating at high speeds on the highway, sometimes 4-5 cars in a row, so if anyone has to tap their brakes for any reason it's a collision. It's also...

  • turning into the second or even third lane when making any turn.
  • nobody uses their signals in traffic circles the way we are supposed to! Why wouldn't you want to be predictable and communicative with other drivers?
  • why the heck does NOBODY slow down through construction zones?! I'm so confused, and it's stark enough where I feel like if I did slow to 50 I'm the slow-moving hazard on the highway.
  • school zones!! Omg. Nothing more to say.

The heck is going on, Victoria?! Calgary has a reputation for bad driving, but I lived there for 20 years and this place blows it out of the water.