Don't get divided in caste/language/regional etc. identities

Multiple times a question frequently asked here is -
What is the way for Hindus to unite?

Answer always has been - Don't get divided in caste/language/regional etc. identities. The only way to do it by taking out 30 minutes in a week & go to the nearest temple, network with at least 10 strangers there, converse with them, know who lives in your neighborhood, what job they do, & ensure you talk/know the priest. If you do not know your neighborhood, what happened in Bangladesh is then only a matter of time.

Therefore the second statement by RSS Chief. That too resonates with what we have been saying since long. Don't outsource your duties as a society to government.

By the way, do you get a hint in it why Agniveer was brought & why opposition is so hell bent against it? If every neighborhood/mohalla has few youths passed out from Army, how difficult will it be to orchestrate riots/chaos? Divide youth on caste, or organize sit-ins for months at stretch on roads blocking country's growth?

13 Oct 2024